Lascia Vivere is a project initiated with Erika Mayr in Rome.
It concerns itself with nature and the way we see it. It sometimes makes visible, it sometimes tells the story, it sometimes adds, it sometimes removes, it always works with what is there. The exhibition Lascia Vivere at Galleria Villa Massimo introduced the collaboration via a set of pieces and documentations. Image 1: Oase 5 outside of Berlin, 2021, conceived and realized at a former hog farm in collaboration with Ludivigne Gragy and Niklas Fanelsa, photographs, printed on porcelain, 8 cm x 18 cm; Image 2: Oase 2, Garching, 2020, digital collage, digital print on paper, 15 cm x 10 cm; Image 3: The principle of Borrowed Landscape/Continuous Gardens, 2021, digital drawing, digital print on paper 20.3 cm x 25.6 cm; Image 4: Tree sign installed around Rome, 2021. Each sign draws attention to an individual tree and its situation. Photographs, tiled, plastered paper laser prints, 180 cm x 240 cm; Image 4: Sky, a live video projection of the sky outside of the gallery, 320x180cm.